The last 7 months were really incredible. I owe it all to God who helped get through it. It was extremely difficult and many a times I felt like giving up and trying again next year. But due to financial constraints(its expensive to study!) and lots of praying I passed both sems. Not only did i pass both sems I actually managed to get a Dean's list during my short sem! My first Dean's list for my degree programme! and for the last sem I managed to pull my pointer up by .04. Not much, but really good coming from the point where I thought I was gonna fail the sem and I actually failed some mid terms and my coursework marks.
I took my final year project as I mentioned a dozen times earlier. This project was stretched out to two sems. One long and one short. During the first sem, the short one, the project was the research part. I studied my topic wrote a report, present it, easy peasy. Coming to the second sem was the killer! Actual implementation of my project. This involved litterally 5 months of everyday programmin. I even started durin my hols.. the one between my short and long sem! Eventually through HIM I managed to accomplished my goal. I still cant believe I managed to do such a task. hmmm..
dad's place near KLIA. peaceful Dengkil ....yyyeeaaarrrruuuuuummmmmm!!!
se tim bot liao
After last sem I took a quick "holiday" by goin up to my dad's place for a weekend. It was basically a makan trip. Steamboat with a twist! Instead of your normal standard pot in the middle with soup, it was porridge instead. The rest is your normal steamboat. A local "chu cha" shop nearby my dad's place had the best "loh mee" with PRAWNS. Add a dash of vinegar and waaa....I'm salivanating as Im typing....Oh and their fish was great too. Deep fried till you could eat nearly the whole thing with a generous helping of their "tau chiu" sauce? Cant remember what was it. Just that it was good!
I'm now doin my industrial trainin. Where? Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (SAMB). Located at Graha Maju or near Hang Tuah mall. This will be my "home" for the next 4 months. Right up to the end of Sept before I start my last sem at the end of Oct.
my friend hard at work and not fooling around
SAMB wasnt that a bad choice as i presumed earlier. Yes they are a goverment body but I have been workin. :D However the downside working here is that there is no allowance given. Yep. Im working for free. yay!. Plus now I need to pay for parking(RM2!) a day and that lunch cost RM5 minimum( and no chinese food). On the other hand I can save on petrol...I used to pump gas thrice in two weeks, now once in two weeks... and that too isnt a full tank! In the end it works out to be the same. Working hours are fine for me 8-5 mon fri. Sats are off! Yippeyaiyei!!!!
I had for the first time in Malaysia...PANCAKES...or rather hotcakes at McD. Ive never had this in Malaysia before. So when I bit into it, it immediately brought me memories when I was back in Cananda where dad would bring me for McD breakfast somewhere near a highway. It cost only C$0.99! I remembered I couldnt even finish a set breakfast. Sheesh...see...that was a loooooong time ago.
The pork burger
Wok & Pan is now my fav go out makan abit expensive place. The pork chops there are good. The burger is way better then McD. 30cents more then the lunch time value mealy thingy but a whole lot better.