Saturday, February 23, 2008

satisfaction level = 0

Why am I not satisfied with what I am blessed with?! Why can't ever I be satisfied?
I am already blessed with so many times I do wonder why and what else do I want, want those non necessary stuff.

I have a loving family.
I have a cozy roof above my head.
I'm well fed :D thank you mummy!
I have a 11 year old Kancil (sure beats the bus! I used to take the bus during my foundation year...I had to go to the bus station an hour an half to wait for the super reliable bus which i heard leaves every 15 minutes? ~it leaves in like half an hour actually)
I have a pretty neat notebook/laptop which is MINE!!
I have a nice cell phone.
I have wonderful friends.
I have good leaders.
I have basically everything!...I need...

but there are things which I do not need but think I need...I hate it.
I wish I didn't want those things. Why can't I be satisfied? I used to think twice before getting something I want. Do I want it? Do I need it?
I realized that this didn't defer me from getting it. Instead now I ask myself. Do I need it? Can I live without it? This helps.


Are you satisfied with what you have? or do you wish you could have something? something more?

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